Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Baby Scarlett

   A certain blog was recently brought to my attention that is so inspirational that I can't stop smiling and crying at the same time.  Butterflies.  It's the story of Baby Scarlett and her parents, Chris and Brandi.  This sweet little baby was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 2 months old and has been fighting with everything she has for the past 4 months. She just celebrated her 6 month birthday on Saturday and gave her parents a smiley, giggly day despite being in the hospital after surgery #7.  Surgery #8 was scheduled for today, along with another MRI.  I'm waiting to see an update post to see how it went.
   I admire her parents as they fight along-side their baby girl and provide the love and support that she needs.  I experienced 4 days of hospitalization when my 6 month old had pneumonia and thought I was going to go crazy!  Baby Scarlett has been in the hospital for a total of 73 days so far, almost half her life! I feel like a big pansy for even thinking I had it rough!!
   It's amazing how little everyday hassles make us so upset and we feel sorry for ourselves or get angry that we were inconvenienced, yet this little girl has a smile on her face and a giggle for her daddy.  Not to mention that her mom and dad manage to just be thankful for every day that they have with their precious baby girl instead of feeling sorry for themselves.  I'd like to say that I could be that positive if I were in a similar position, but I'm afraid that I wouldn't.  You have to be a strong person with a lot of faith to endure something like this with a smile on your face.  I can only hope that I will never be faced with something like this, and if I am that I could be as strong and brave as Chris, Brandi, and Scarlett.
   After following this story, I cherish every moment that I have with my own 2 babies, and hold them a little tighter.


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